Sending a calendar invite for a catch-up can feel overly formal – it actually makes much more sense to use messaging platforms, such as Slack, or ask someone to quickly drop by your video room. This way you can avoid the calendar entirely and let conversation flow more naturally. We also recommend utilising a high-quality conferencing system and digital whiteboards so you can simulate the office experience by collaborating in real-time regardless of each member’s location. Allocate time to remind staff of healthy work-from-home strategies and speak with them to learn more about their needs. Ask them if training or additional resources could help them use these strategies more effectively.
Is remote work more stressful?
Challenges facing professionals working from home include reliance on technologies, like teleconferencing and Zoom. In addition to the stress some experience from having to learn new skills, the virtual communication reduces much-needed personal contact and can contribute to anxiety and depression.
This has led to 42% of employees feeling drained from working remotely, according to its research. Women were 39% more likely to feel emotionally drained from this mode of working than men, it found. When caring for your remote employee’s mental well-being, you might want to set in place regular one-to-one meetings to assess levels of happiness, stress, and other emotional states.
Could Workplace Fatigue Be a Sign of Something Serious?
This was down from 2 days in a similar JLL survey conducted last April. Fatigue and its impact on work performance has long been an area for research. There’s no bumping into coworkers in the breakroom or going for lunch together. Teammates are miles away and opportunities for small talk are non-existent.
This enables employees to still feel part of the team, while working remotely. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), many organisations have made the decision to allow employees to work from home. As a manager, being faced with an entirely virtual team in the blink of an eye can be disorienting. To help you manage your virtual teams, we asked the experts and created our list of Six Tips for Managing Your Team Remotely. While remote work has eliminated countless wasted hours of commuting, many are seeing longer workdays. Perhaps this is an attempt to have control over something in a year filled with uncertainty, but working non-stop will ultimately lead to burnout.
Flexible Working – What Are The Benefits?
Take time to disconnect from work, stay active, reconnect with others, and rest. I have found scheduling breaks in my calendar makes me more likely to take them. Some studies suggest you should take five-minute screen breaks every hour so try to get up from your screen and stretch every hour. It is important for your eyes, posture, and overall well-being to stop staring at your screen.
- You may be exhausted of the monotony of working from home and itching to get back to normality.
- Now, everything is in one place; home office, crying children, playful pets, chatty spouses and unannounced guests, just to mention a few.
- Additionally, exposure to blue light can make it difficult to fall asleep at night–so if you’re up late working from home, you may experience even more fatigue in the morning.
- Physical exercise is also really important, especially when we’re sitting at our desks for the majority of the day.
- Building a company culture that prioritises mindfulness, self-care, and clocking off could help employees become accustomed to leaving their work behind when the hours are up.
- Be sure to provide support in your workplace and direct staff towards the right information so that they can receive the help they need.
Learn more about adopting the software for hybrid work here or book a call with one of our consultants for more information on how we can support your business objectives. “I began to feel the signs of fatigue when I started to feel tired in the morning even when I haven’t done anything yet. In a business or work setting, decisions usually require us to have the right information in order to choose between options. They also require us to have the mental capacity to weigh these options and decide on the best course of action. If you’re finding that you’re lacking in one or both of these areas, there are ways to combat this.
Acas launches new advice on managing stress at work
Unveiling its research on hybrid working strategies in the UK, it claimed that too many organisations resorted to “virtualising what they did in the office” when pandemic restrictions hit last year. Organisations that fail to execute hybrid working well could end up asking for all employees to return to the office because they feel the new modes of working are ‘too hard to pull off’, according to analysts at Gartner. If you’re not a morning person, a quick walk/run on your lunch break can give you a burst of energy that’ll help power you over that post-lunch time dip. Employees suffered unprecedented levels of change fatigue from adapting to working remotely and learning new skills at the start of the Covid crisis.
- Outside the physical workspace it’s easy for teams and individuals to become insular.
- While remote work has eliminated countless wasted hours of commuting, many are seeing longer workdays.
- You should make sure to check in with your other colleagues, especially with others who are also working from home.
- If your colleagues are local, you should organise social meet ups for coffee or drinks, or for lunch or dinner.
49 percent of UK employees stated that everyday casual conversation between employees was needed, while 44 percent wanted regular virtual activities and fun ‘breakouts’ with colleagues. It’s important for people to maintain social connections with others, to help people feel happier and less stressed. You should make sure to check in with your other colleagues, especially with others who are also working from home. You could create a channel on your messaging app for social chat and to share photos of pets, food, or a picturesque scene from your daily walk. You could call a colleague for a virtual coffee break or take a colleague for a virtual walk on the phone or a video call. You could schedule in a weekly or monthly meeting for the whole team to get together virtually and have a catch up or even take part in a quiz.
How remote working can affect mental health: Work-life balance and meeting fatigue
At the end of the work day, where possible, try to move all work related items such as your laptop and notebooks by putting them in a drawer or cupboard. This will help with ‘turning off’ from work and getting into the mindset of being at home. One of the hardest things to overcome when working remotely is dealing with different types of communication.
What is the weakness of working remotely?
As mentioned, it can be hard for your team to feel connected to the workplace when working from anywhere but the office. This is one of the few disadvantages of remote work and can lead to a decrease in engagement, a drop in productivity, and an increase in employee turnover.
I’ve started working with a personal trainer over Whereby once a week and some of my colleagues prefer to work later but take a two hour lunch break to get out and about. Global work culture shifted in an unprecedented way after the pandemic. For the first time, the number of homeworkers more than doubled leaving many in disarray. Businesses have now adapted to the technology that supports hybrid work, but what about the workers’ morale? Reports state that as many as 41.6% of remote workers have experienced mental health decline. Ultimately, working remotely is not about finding work-life balance but finding harmony.
Help your employees thrive by encouraging a sense of community and pull everyone together with a clear and transparent goal. Lack of trust can lead to bouts of anxiety, depression and loneliness. Remote working is piling on the pressure for individuals across the UK. Not only are we having to find the right balance between working from home and our other responsibilities, but we’re constantly hearing about job insecurity and economic downturn in the media.
- These might not be work-focused but rather a chance for your employees to meet one another and connect.
- Giving support to open and honest conversations about employees wellbeing as well as access to resources and advice to support them.
- This has led to 42% of employees feeling drained from working remotely, according to its research.
- Work from home fatigue can be experienced temporarily, or it can be a symptom of burnout and a more severe issue.
But those that struggled with the complexity of it could end up throwing in the towel. Fifty-six percent of the UK’s remote workforce said that flexible policies would impact their decision to stay at an organisation, with 70% of Gen Z employees indicating a preference to work in a hybrid fashion. When asked about worries with regards to the hybrid workplace, 96 per cent of HR leaders report they are concerned when it comes to employee wellbeing and 93% more specifically to employee burnout. It is critical that businesses solve the problem of fatigue as we enter the era of hybrid work.